So I'm at school, on a Monday and it's 5/6 planning day. An idea pops into my head and I know I've seen/used a relevant web site somewhere before. No worries, obviously I bookmarked it *searches through bookmarks* ... but of course, I didn't bookmark it on my school laptop. Maybe my PC? What about my personal laptop? Then as the clock ticks on, I painstakingly sift through Google, searching for that web site of whose title I cannot remember. Naturally, being one of those people who finds it difficult to let things go, I struggle to pull myself away from the search and continue working productively.
Welcome to my world, Diigo!
Delicious and Diigo seem to be very familiar in terms of their function and most features offered. I was quite undecided about choosing which social bookmarking web site to use but ended up registering with Diigo simply because I was swayed by the '10 reasons to use Diigo' article. In hindsight, I wish I snooped around and asked my colleagues which bookmarking site they were intending to use so that we could make optimal use of the 'groups' function to collaborate with each other; nonetheless I'm - in - LOVE! Ever since I joined Diigo I've developed an addiction for tagging web sites for both personal and professional purposes. It's so tidy and effortless!
My favourite part about Diigo is Diigolet button on the toolbar. It makes the process of saving and tagging web sites very efficient. It's also great that you can join groups with similar interests and view their bookmarks. Building such online communities through Diigo is a fantastic way to connect with other teachers to inspire and enlighten one another. I haven't yet played with the 'annotate' tools yet but I've got a feeling I'm going to like this feature.
Robie Jayawardhana's suggests setting up a group with your students, allowing them to share their bookmarks with other students. What a great way to make learning more student-centered. This would be particularly useful during Inquiry lessons, where students can begin to collaborate by sharing their research with each other. My question is, is there a way to organise a group with an administrator to authorise bookmarks to ensure that only appropriate, relevant and quality web sites are bookmarked?
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