Cross (1998) addresses the question, "Why Learning Communities? Why Now?" She gives three reasons: "philosophical (because learning communities fit into a changing philosophy of knowledge), research based (because learning communities fit with what research tells us about learning), and pragmatic (because learning communities work)." - Cross, "Why Learning Communities? Why Now?" About Campus, 1998, p. 4.
Just learnt that Wikipedia is a Wiki site. Can't believe I didn't realise this! Thanks for clearing this up Module 10.
This year, we made a big push with using a Wiki site with our students. It has become an integral space for our learning needs. I can't imagine how we could survive without the 5/6 Wiki, especially with the 1:1 laptop program. There is rarely a day when we don't use or at least refer to the 5/6 Wiki page. It has become a place to upload lesson content, resources, downloadable learning activities, due dates and important events.
Things I love about our
- It is simple to use: although I'm still familiarising myself with using our Wiki, it isn't particularly challenging to edit, upload items and use the Wiki.
- Overall the students have grasped using the Wiki fairly quickly.
- Once information/uploaded content is placed on the Wiki it is accessible to both teachers and students. This elimatinates the process of e-mailing out content to teachers and the SUPER-LY ANNOYING process of students typing links incorrectly!
- The content placed on the Wiki is accessible to everyone 24/7. This eliminates the problem of students loosing sheets/forgeting to take home work and allows children to access the work if they are absent for a period of time.
- It gives parents/guardians more insight into what the students are learning about at school , key dates and to the students' dismay - homework activities and due dates.
- Links to our school blog, Google Apps, Mathletics and other study resources to support the students with their learning.
Overall, Wiki Sites are a great educational tool and I'd encourage any educator to get on board.
For those who are using Wiki Sites with their students, how have you been using your site?
Have you noticed any other benefits of using a Wiki Site?
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