
Sunday, 30 June 2013

Final Course Reflection!

"Remember, it's not about the technology. It is about good learning and teaching first. the technology is merely a tool to enable us to achieve our goals." - Matt Wells (based around  the work of Helen Christou).

Consider the iLE@RN skills that need to be addressed prior to students using Web 2 tools:

  • The iLE@RN skills to be addressed to ensure effective use of Web 2.0 tools for learning seems to naturally marry with the National Curriculum's General Capabilites, particularly in regard to: 'Literacy', 'Information and Communication Techology capability' and 'Critical and creative thinking'. The iLE@RN pedagogical model considers the skills students require not only to support their learning and engage in optimal learning experiences when using Web 2.0 tools but are also the skills that are desired of our current and future Nation's workforce.

Do you find this adaptation of Blooms to digital technology helpful in planning your curriculum?
  • Personally, I feel that Bloom's revised taxonomy aims to illuminate the expanded opportunities for students to create through use of ICT tools. It also serves as a reminder to seek opportunities when planning that will allow students to apply a range of thinking skills within learning experiences that will eventually lead students towards creating for meaning, purpose and neccessity.
    Where would you place other tools such as Second Life, Picasa or Glogster on this map?
  • Although, Bloom's Taxomony ranks skills from lower order to higher order skills, it is essential to recognise that all skills are imporant as we move up and down along this scale and/or use multiple skills simultaneously on a daily basis. As a result, it is impossible to place such tools on Bloom's Digital Taxonomy map becuase they can be applied to develop and enhance a range of thinking skills. When using these tools, educators should consider the purpose of using the tool - which thinking skill/s are the focus of this lesson? If the use of Web 2.0 tools for learning is selected and planned for thoughtfully, they should be able to support thinking skills in all areas of this map, depending on one's purpose.

Personal Learning Reflection:

Although I have reached the end of the course, this is only the beginning of my journey of incorporating Web 2.0 tools in my contemporary teaching practise. Prior to starting this course I had no idea of  how limited my knowledge  of Web 2.0 tools was or what was out there in the first place!

The key lesson that I have learnt from participating in course is that I can't afford to rest on my laurels by not making an effort to explore Web 2.0 tools. This course has opened my eyes to some of the many valuable tools available to support teaching and learning for the 21st century and as the ten modules held my hand at the very beginning of my journey, it is now time for me to guide my own exploration into this world. From reading other's blogs and learning with and from other teachers during Techie Brekkies at school, I've realised that even though I have completed the course, I am not on this journey alone as I have the support of other educators around me. A great benefit of this course was that it allowed me to connect with other teachers outside of school through blogs and Twitter. By expanding my connections with other teachers opens new windows of opportunity to discover, learn and share with others.

As I so recently discovered (in maths lesson using Google forms and spreadsheets), this journey isn't going to be easy. There will be times when things will go wrong and don't work, regardless of how well you have prepared to incorporate these tools into your lessons. Yes, there are risks but the gains have the potential provide effective and possibly even phenominal results. I'm prepared to experiment through trial and error, experience failures and just simply "wing it" and ask for help when things go wrong.  As scary as these situations can be  they can eventually lead towards many improved,  successful, engaging and meaningful learning experiences for our students.

Since (and prior to) participating in this course our 5/6 team have attempted to use the following tools:
  • Twitter (to network with other educators)
  • School Blog (to communicate with with the school community regarding learning experiences and key school events)
  • Wikis (to upload resources and lessons for student use)
  • Google Docs (to allow collaboration opportunities for students and teachers)
  • (to brainstorm ideas and showcase/reflect on learning)
  • Social bookmarking (to organise web resources and share with other teachers)
  • Prezi (to present information to the students through a different and engaging format)
Following this course I aim to continue discovering and playing with Web 2.0/ ICT tools in the following ways:

  • Attending PDs (such as Techie Brekkies run at our school) and conferences  (such as the 'ICTEV2013: IT Takes A Village State Conference' we attended in May)
  • Reading educational blogs and actively connecting with other educators on Twitter
  • Learning from other teachers around me and asking lots of questions
  • Searching for tools and resources using search engines such as Google 

Thank you to all who took the time to join me on the beginning of my journey. Wishing all participants good luck and hope that you all get as much (if not more) out of this course as I did.

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